Recession Proof SEO for your business

In a recession, if you face a shrinking market – what do you? Firstly, you have to decide how the recession is going to affect you vs how you let it affect you.

Is Price dropping a good recession strategy?

Many companies make the fatal mistake of taking too long to drop prices, others drop them when sles volumes are dropping too – this can act as a catalyst for making things much worse.

The SEO Pyramid

The SEO pyramid gives a massively unfair advantage.

According to perplexity, the SEO pyramid, when viewed through the lens of traffic distribution, reveals a highly concentrated pattern where a small number of sites dominate web traffic.

The SEO Pyramid Traffic Distribution alone accounts for 63.41% of all US web traffic referrals for the top 170 sites. This creates a steep pyramid where one platform controls the majority of how users discover content.

SEO Competitor Comparison Campaigns

A lot of companies are hesitant to target competitors but if you’re doing PPC you probably are without even knowing it. What do I mean? Unless you’re doing exact match or have your competitors as negative keywords, Google Ads will automatically target them. How can you test this? 

Go to Google Ads > Keywords > Keyword Terms

Search for competitor terms – if you find them in there, you’re Ad campaigns were targeting them. Probably with phrases like “Compare” or “Pricing”

Why target competitors in SEO?

Reason 1: Because they want do business with YOU

Because they’re at the bottom of the funnel – these search users are probably using terms like Pricing or Compare or alternative : this means that they WANT you to be found by them

Reason 2: your other competitors WILL

Drying up your competitor’s income means that they will have less PPC and less SEO budget – meaning more for your business.

In Short, SEO Proofing your business means

  • Focus on getting more 1-2 positions (SEO Depth) for existing keywords
  • Focus on broader content

In other words, in a recession – do more SEO



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