SEO Agency NYC

New York SEO Company by Primary Position

What is a New York SEO Firm?

An SEO agency is there to help build, scale, manage, safeguard, and grow your business through search marketing. Trends change, competitors step up and tactics change – so just when you’re thinking about catching up, you have to start thinking about staying ahead. An SEO agency brings fresh ideas, supports your existing marketing team, and helps you keep on track.

What does a New York SEO firm do for me?

SEO brings you free, qualified leads that buy. Through Google’s pedantic search engine that sorts, correlates, and qualifies web pages, people who search and then visit your website are self-qualifying. That means that they are qualified and relevant from the first search they enter into Google. If someone is searching for cybersecurity, marketo automation, fashion clothing, shoes, internet providers, website design agencies, yacht rentals, vpns, bicycles, cars, jobs – and that matches an industry you service, then they are interested in you. Not selling? You can’t sell to these customers until you are in the top 3 results.

Why is Primary Position THE New York SEO Firm?

It’s in the name – we put you in the Primary Position for people who have a need and want to buy from you. We use SEO to sell ourselves, we don’t harass you on LinkedIn, we don’t target you in unsolicited phone calls and we don’t spam your inbox – we practice what we preach and sell via SEO.

What makes Primary Position Different in SEO?

Unlike other agencies, we take ownership of what we do, our results, and our strategies. We aren’t just on a call for one hour a week – we are working on your projects every day, we are here to talk every day, we don’t have to look you up in a CRM system – we work for you like you employ us. Therefore we don’t have 300 clients, we don’t outsource and we don’t treat you like a number.